Friday, 13 April 2007

Happy Birthday To Lung Lung

Happy Birhtday to Lung Lung!

Thursday, 12 April 2007

The Most Important Date of the Year

Today is one of the most important date/day that i will remember. I will not forget this date, 12 April. I can forget all the other occassions but not this one. It is the birthday date of the most important woman in my life. She been supporting me, going throw every up and down in my life.

Cocooning in her for around 9 months. Just after my 1yr-old birthday, i was involved in a freaking accident that almost cost my life. I still have blur memory of the incident. The memory of this has been my childhood flash back. I often ask her what had happened to me last time as i keep on recalling my head was covered with bloodied towel coupled with tremendous pain. She was running around looking for help as my dad was outstation during the incident.

1cm. Thats the length between death and life. The distance of the sharp stick that poke into my head to my brain. My doc will mention this whenever seeing me in his clinic. He says i am the most lucky kid that survived the most freaking accident that he had ever received.

She was with me throughout all the ordeal. As long as i can remember, i was hospitalized in the pediatric ICU ward for 1 year. From fat and hugable baby to skinny and fragile baby.

I would like to dedicate the following song especially to her:




スタンリ 笔字

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Prayer in Kadazan version


Tama za doid surga,
apantang daa oo ngaan nu,
koikot no daa kopomolintaan nu,
kaandak nu,
adadi doiti id tana miaga doid Surga.
Pataako dagai do tadau diti,
oh takanon za do tikid tadau,
om pohiongo zikoi do douso za,
miaga dagai do popohiong di pinapakaus doid dagai.
Kada zikoi no do pohogoso doid ponginaman,
katapi pahapaso zikoi do mantad kalaatan.


Ave Maria, noponu' do graasia,
miampai diau o Kinoingan,
obitua ko do id saviavi' tondu,
om obitua o tuva' tinan nu Jesus.
Sangti Maria, tina' do Kinoingan,
pokiinsianai zikoi tu' tuhun do momimidouso,
baino om ontok jaam do kapatazon za.

Friday, 6 April 2007

Good Friday

A large number of people followed him,
including women who mourned and wailed for him.
Jesus turned and said to them, "Daughters of Jerusalem,
do not weep for me;
weep for yourselves and for your children.
For the time will come when you will say,
'Blessed are the barren women,
the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!'
Then " 'they will say to the mountains,
"Fall on us!" and to the hills,
"Cover us!" '
For if men do these things when the tree is green,
what will happen when it is dry?"
Luke 23:27-31
Later, knowing that all was now completed,
and so that the Scripture would be fulfilled,
Jesus said, "I am thirsty."
A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it,
put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus' lips.
When he had received the drink,
Jesus said, "It is finished."
With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
John 19:28-30
O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory
above the heavens.

From the lips of children and infants
you have ordained praise
because of your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.

When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place
Psalm 8:1-3
Good Friday is the first day of the triduum. It is to commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus at Calvary. Good Friday is a fast day for Roman Catholic Christians. The fasting is defined as only having one full meal or two small ones.

スタンリ 笔字

Thursday, 5 April 2007

Holy Thursday / Maundy Thursday

Holy Thursday is the institution of Communion and the betrayal by Judas. Communion is the feast or holy day on the Thursday before Easter that commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles.

The washing of the Disciples' feet by Jesus Christ; The institution of the Mystery of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper; The agony of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane; and the betrayal of Christ by Judas are the four events commemorated during Holy Thursday.

The evening celebration of these events marks the beginning of what is called the Easter Triduum or Sacred Triduum. The Latin word "triduum" means a three-day period, and the triduum in question is that of the three days from the death to the resurrection of Jesus.

スタンリ 笔字

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Genting Outing

Its been 5 years that i havent step a foot on Genting. My frens from PDC pre-plan this event before CNY. So why not join them for this outing on April Fool's day. We departed from Penang at 8:30am. The bus made 2 stops, one at Taiping and another one at Tapah. The Taiping stop is just for a short toilet break but i guess it is unplanned stop since the bus driver was 'quarrelling' with the travel company at that stop. The stop at Tapah was for Lunch break. The bus driver gave us 30mins but we took 45mins. It pissed the driver off. Our 'ciken' rice lunch was bad. Seem like they dont know how to prepare it. But the fried chicken was good. Good until we pack 3 of it for the journey. It took us 7 long tiring hrs to reach Genting. What a hack of journey! Throughout the journey, the plum guy that sit beside me snoring when he is sleeping. I keep on poking fun of him coz he snore like trumpet.

We took our number for the queue to register for our room at First World hotel. I met some of my colleagues/frens there too. What a coincidence! After dropping our luggages at our rooms, we made our way to the outdoor theme park. I tried the Space Shoot, Spinner, Corkscrew, Pirate Ship and Flying Coaster a.k.a Superman ride. I was eating all the way after the Space Shoot. Maybe the alien in my stomach crave for foods. To make things fun, i was simply shouting and made other ppl scared. HF even close her eyes throughout the corkscrew ride. Leo said i am a whimp as i simply shouting histerically. :P . I am familiar with the outdoor games since i was working my 'ass' out here last time during my college break for 21 contract days. All the games were free for me last time. I was simply not really scare of the ride. Not to show off but i have been playing the games many times already. If it is 6 Flags, then different story. I may give it a pass.

After the games, we went to Burger King for dinner. I injured my right leg as the chair has sharp rusty edge from the broken back support. I informed the Burger King staff but they only say sorry without covering that sharp edges. ehmmm.... We went back to our rooms to take shower and wear our 'Yao Yeng' clothing. Spray our hair with removal red hair dye. We spend our nite at the Karaoke, Casinos and Starbuck till 3am. The walk to the open area after the drink is so good. Cold and refreshing.

At 8:17am, my handphone rang with a call from Leo inviting me for breakfast. I only have 10mins to get ready. We settle our breakfast with nasi lemak@RM3.50. I have additional teh tarik. After that went to pack our bags and deposit them at the bell service area. Wil & WM went to Karaoke with JW & Invincible. Chow Kong, HF, Leo and me went for 11am Mr. Bean on Holiday movie. We are seated at the front row with OSIM Massage chair. It cost us RM15each for that. Throughout the movie, i keep on turning on the full body massage program. I cant concentrate on the movies but the movie is funny with crappy scene. By the time the movie is going to wrap up. I was controlling my urinary bladder. With the exit door inched open, i dash my way to the loo. It was really great. The Massage chair really make me to do small & big business. I wont choose full body massage for the full movie next time. Learnt my lesson.

After the movies, we went for short shopping. Leo bought his jacket and i bough the 'US tag chain' for national cancer society malaysia. We took our lunch at nonetheless...KFC. We took our luggage and made our way to the bus terminal. It was raining. In the bus, there are full of 'idiots' from the same company. The ladies sitting at the middle of the bus talking nonestop. I was very unsettle with my headache and also their nonsense loud conversation. We reached Penang around 8:30pm and have our lunch at pantai Jerjak area.

Overall, the trip is good for once a while but i am not looking forward to go there again in near future. :P

スタンリ 笔字

5 Years Working Anniversary

1 April 2007 is my official 5 years in this company. The first full time work that i got after graduated from university. I have seen ppl come and go. I have changed supervisors/managers almost one for every year. Have my Job R&R changed once due to personal preferability.

In this 5yrs anniversary, 2 things will changed. There will no more breakfast subsidies: 3in1 coffee and bun/cracker. I also have to move cube.

I hope my 2nd 5yr plan will go smooth. With determination and perseverance, any obtacle will be possible. God bless!

スタンリ 笔字